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Changing tides: Climate Adaptation Methodology for Protected Areas (CAMPA) Coastal and Marine

Belokurov Alexander, Baskinas Luz Teresa, Biyo Ricky, Clausen Alison, Dudley Nigel, Guevara Oscar, Lumanog James, Rakotondrazafy Harisoa, Ramahery Volanirina , Salao Chrisma, Stolton Sue, Zogib Liza. 2016. .
Changing tides: Climate Adaptation Methodology for Protected Areas (CAMPA) Coastal and Marine
BOOK, (2016 ) - PUBLISHEDVERSION - English (en-GB)

Gland: WWF-World Wide Fund For Nature (Formerly World Wildlife Fund)
Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing; Aquaculture; Fisheries; Climate Change; Adaptation; Climate change science; Impacts; Mitigation; Resilience; Risks; Vulnerability; Culture and Traditional Knowledge; Traditional ecological knowledge; Disaster Risk Management Resilience; Vulnerability; Education and Training; Adult education; Community education; Tertiary education; Government, law and administration; Organisations; Panels and working groups; Policy and planning; Human Settlements; Land use; Rural settlements; Urban planning; Information Technology and Information Management; Knowledge management; Meteorology and Weather; Climate; Temperature; Tides; Weather; Natural Resources and the Environment; Biodiversity; Coastal zone; Conservation; Degradation; Ecology and ecosystems; Habitat restoration; Islands; Natural resource management; Oceans; Pollution; Reefs; Soils; Vegetation; Wildlife
Agriculture, Agroforesterie, Culture, Océanologie, Ressources halieutiques, Ecologie, Sciences de l'environnement

Climate Adaptation Methodology for Protected Areas (CAMPA) Coastal and Marine is designed to build the resilience of protected areas and associated ecosystems based on a thorough understanding of their vulnerability to climate change and a participatory agreement on the best ways to respond to these threats. With minor adjustments the methodology could be adapted to terrestrial and freshwater protected areas.CAMPA does two main things:• It provides practical and scientifically sound guidance to facilitate climate change vulnerability assessments of coastal and marine protected areas (CMPAs).• Based on an understanding of that vulnerability, it then facilitates decisionmaking on the most appropriate adaptation actions.

English (en-GB)
Belokurov Alexander, Baskinas Luz Teresa, Biyo Ricky, Clausen Alison, Dudley Nigel, Guevara Oscar, Lumanog James, Rakotondrazafy Harisoa, Ramahery Volanirina , Salao Chrisma, Stolton Sue, Zogib Liza
WWF, Gland, Switzerland. 160pp. , ISBN 978-2-940529-28-5
Africa, Asia
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