The Teouma Lapita Site, South Efate, Vanuatu: A Summary of Three Field Seasons (2004-2006)
Bedford Stuart, Spriggs Matthew, Buckley Hallie, Valentin Frédérique, Regenvanu Ralph. 2009. .
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BOOKPART, (2009 ) - SUBMITTEDVERSION - English (en-GB)
New Zealand Archaeological Association
Archaeology, Teouma Lapita Site, South Efate, Vanuatu, Field Seasons, Radiocarbon Dating, Vessel Forms, Settlement Patterns, Sherds, Lapita Sites, Geographic Range, Lapita Distribution, Teouma Cemetery, Archaeological Remains, First Generations of Settlement, Excavations, Australian Research Council, Contemporary Settlements, Lapita Research, Interpretation, Society, Wider Region
Archéologie, Sciences Sociales, Sciences humaines
The paper discusses radiocarbon dating, vessel forms, and settlement patterns at the Teouma site in Vanuatu. It highlights the challenges of identifying vessel forms from small sherds and the changing understanding of Lapita sites. The paper also mentions the geographic range of Lapita distribution and the significance of the Teouma cemetery as a rare example of archaeological remains from the first generations of settlement. Excavations funded by the Australian Research Council are planned to further investigate the existence of contemporary settlements. The paper concludes by emphasizing the impact of the Teouma site on Lapita research and the interpretation of settlement and society in Vanuatu and the wider region.
Bedford Stuart, Spriggs Matthew, Buckley Hallie, Valentin Frédérique, Regenvanu Ralph
In: P. J. Sheppard, T. Thomas and G. R. Summerhayes (Eds.) Lapita: Ancestors and Descendants, New Zealand Archaeological Association Monograph 28, New Zealand Archaeological Association, Auckland, pp. 215-234.
Teouma Lapita Site, South Efate, Vanuatu