6838 |
Birds on the rim: a Unique Lapita carinated vessel in its wider context
Archéologie, Sciences Sociales, Sciences humaines |
English (en-GB) |
Submitted version |
2007 |
6839 |
Research report on NGS grant number 8038—06: Solving the Riddle of Pacific Settlement: The archaeology of an Early Lapita cemetery and village site at Teouma, Vanuatu
Archéologie, Anthropologie, Sciences Sociales, Sciences humaines |
English (en-GB) |
Submitted version |
2007 |
6840 |
Investigating foetal and perinatal mortality in prehistoric skeletal samples: a case study from a 3000-year-old Pacific Island cemetery site
Santé, Archéologie, Anthropologie, Biologie, Histoire, Sciences Sociales, Sciences du vivant, Sciences humaines |
English (en-GB) |
Submitted version |
2009 |
6841 |
Possible obsidian sources for artifacts from Timor: narrowing the options using chemical data
Archéologie, Anthropologie, Histoire, Sciences Sociales, Sciences de la Terre, Sciences humaines |
English (en-GB) |
Submitted version |
2009 |
6842 |
Une analyse diachronique des pratiques funéraires préhistoriques du centre du Vanuatu
Archéologie, Biologie, Sciences Sociales, Sciences du vivant, Sciences humaines |
Français (fr-FR) |
Submitted version |
2009 |
6843 |
Faces of the Teouma Lapita People: Art, Accuracy and Facial Approximation
Archéologie, Anthropologie, Biologie, Sciences Sociales, Sciences du vivant, Sciences humaines |
English (en-GB) |
Published version |
2009 |
6844 |
Oceanic Connections in Deep Time
Archéologie, Anthropologie, Histoire, Sciences Sociales, Sciences humaines |
English (en-GB) |
Submitted version |
2009 |
6845 |
Archives Relocation Starts to Yield Treasures
Sciences Sociales, Sciences humaines |
English (en-GB) |
Submitted version |
2009 |
6846 |
Digging it: an archaeologist's working life
Archéologie, Sciences Sociales, Sciences humaines |
English (en-GB) |
Submitted version |
2009 |
6847 |
The Teouma Lapita Site, South Efate, Vanuatu: A Summary of Three Field Seasons (2004-2006)
Archéologie, Sciences Sociales, Sciences humaines |
English (en-GB) |
Submitted version |
2009 |
6848 |
Identification of the first reported Lapita cremation in the Pacific Islands using archaeological, forensic and contemporary burning evidence
Archéologie, Anthropologie, Biologie, Histoire, Sciences Sociales, Sciences du vivant, Sciences humaines |
English (en-GB) |
Published version |
2010 |
6849 |
Sciences Sociales, Sciences de la Terre, Sciences de l'environnement, Sciences humaines |
English (en-GB) |
Published version |
2011 |
6850 |
Sciences Sociales, Sciences de la Terre, Sciences de l'environnement, Sciences humaines |
English (en-GB) |
Published version |
2011 |
6851 |
Pacific islands as crossroads: ancient connectivities in an island world
Archéologie, Anthropologie, Histoire, Linguistique, Sciences Sociales, Sciences humaines |
English (en-GB) |
Published version |
2011 |
6853 |
Lapita Colonization across the Near/Remote Oceania Boundary
Archéologie, Anthropologie, Biologie, Linguistique, Sciences Sociales, Sciences humaines |
English (en-GB) |
Published version |
2011 |
6854 |
Is the Neolithic Spread in Island Southeast Asia really as confusing as the Archaeologists (and some Linguists) Make it Seem?
Archéologie, Anthropologie, Histoire, Sciences Sociales, Sciences humaines |
English (en-GB) |
Submitted version |
2012 |
6855 |
Cortical Index of Three prehistoric Human Pacific Island Samples
Archéologie, Anthropologie, Biologie, Histoire, Sciences Sociales, Sciences du vivant, Sciences humaines |
English (en-GB) |
Published version |
2012 |
6856 |
Olfala Histri Wea i Stap Andanit long Graon. Archaeological Training Workshops in Vanuatu: A Profile, the Benefits, Spin-offs and Extraordinary Discoveries
Archéologie, Anthropologie, Histoire, Sciences Sociales, Sciences humaines |
English (en-GB) |
Published version |
2011 |
6857 |
Vanuatu Mortuary Practices over Three Millennia: Lapita to the Early European Contact Period
Archéologie, Anthropologie, Biologie, Sciences Sociales, Sciences du vivant, Sciences humaines |
English (en-GB) |
Published version |
2011 |
6858 |
Obsidian sources and distribution systems in Island Southeast Asia: a review of previous research
Archéologie, Anthropologie, Sciences Sociales, Sciences humaines |
English (en-GB) |
Published version |
2011 |
6859 |
Provenance and Technology of Lithic Artifacts from the Teouma Lapita Site, Vanuatu
Archéologie, Anthropologie, Histoire, Sciences Sociales, Sciences humaines |
English (en-GB) |
Published version |
2010 |
6860 |
Archaeology and the Austronesian expansion: where are we now?
Archéologie, Anthropologie, Histoire, Linguistique, Sciences Sociales, Sciences humaines |
English (en-GB) |
Published version |
2011 |
6861 |
Peter Gathercole (1929–2010): A Life Well-Lived
Archéologie, Anthropologie, Sciences Sociales, Sciences humaines |
English (en-GB) |
Published version |
2011 |
6862 |
Pottery manufacture and trade in Maluku Tengah, Indonesia: 35 years after Ellen and Glover
Archéologie, Anthropologie, Histoire, Sciences Sociales, Sciences humaines |
English (en-GB) |
Submitted version |
2010 |
6863 |
Testing the human factor: radiocarbon dating the first peoples of the South Pacific
Archéologie, Anthropologie, Biologie, Sciences Sociales, Sciences humaines |
English (en-GB) |
Published version |
2010 |
6864 |
Cave Archaeology and Sampling Issues in the Tropics: A Case Study from Lene Hara Cave, a 42,000 Year Old Occupation Site in East Timor, Island Southeast Asia
Archéologie, Anthropologie, Sciences Sociales, Sciences de la Terre, Sciences humaines |
English (en-GB) |
Published version |
2010 |
6865 |
Geomorphic and archaeological consequences of human arrival and agricultural expansion on Pacific islands: A reconsideration after 30 years of debate
Archéologie, Anthropologie, Histoire, Sciences Sociales, Sciences humaines |
English (en-GB) |
Published version |
2010 |
6866 |
Lapita subsistence strategies and food consumption patterns in the community of Teouma (Efate, Vanuatu)
Archéologie, Anthropologie, Biologie, Sciences Sociales, Sciences du vivant, Sciences humaines |
English (en-GB) |
Published version |
2010 |
6867 |
I was so much older then, I'm younger than that now: why the dates keep changing for the spread of Austronesian languages
Archéologie, Anthropologie, Linguistique, Sciences Sociales, Sciences humaines |
English (en-GB) |
Submitted version |
2010 |
6868 |
Lapita Burial Practices: Evidence for Complex Body and Bone Treatment at the Teouma Cemetery, Vanuatu, Southwest Pacific
Archéologie, Anthropologie, Biologie, Sciences Sociales, Sciences du vivant, Sciences humaines |
English (en-GB) |
Published version |
2010 |
6869 |
Megafaunal meiolaniid horned turtles survived until early human settlement in Vanuatu, Southwest Pacific
Archéologie, Biologie, Sciences Sociales, Sciences du vivant, Sciences humaines |
English (en-GB) |
Published version |
2010 |
6870 |
A reanalysis of the Tikopia obsidians
Archéologie, Sciences Sociales, Sciences du vivant, Sciences humaines |
English (en-GB) |
Published version |
2010 |
6872 |
Table S1. Taxonomy, geologic age and geographical distribution of taxa referred to the family Meiolaniidae Boulenger, 1887.
English (en-GB) |
Submitted version |
2010 |
6874 |
A Brief History of Political Instability in Vanuatu
Politique, Anthropologie, Histoire, Ethnologie, Sciences Sociales, Sciences humaines |
English (en-GB) |
Published version |
2024 |
6875 |
Forum introduction: Recent Lapita pottery from the south coast of New Guinea
Archéologie, Sciences Sociales, Sciences humaines |
English (en-GB) |
Published version |
2012 |
6876 |
Three carved cone shells from Collingwood Bay
Archéologie, Sciences Sociales, Sciences humaines |
English (en-GB) |
Published version |
2013 |
6877 |
The foreword of Pacific Archaeology: Documenting the Past 50,000 Years
Archéologie, Anthropologie, Sciences Sociales, Sciences humaines |
English (en-GB) |
Published version |
2013 |
6878 |
Is there an Incised Lapita Phase after Dentate-stamped Pottery Ends? Data from Teouma, Efate Island, Vanuatu
Archéologie, Sciences Sociales, Sciences humaines |
English (en-GB) |
Published version |
2013 |
6879 |
Gender, Labour Division and the Skeleton: A case study from the Teouma Lapita cemetery
Archéologie, Biologie, Sciences Sociales, Sciences humaines |
English (en-GB) |
Published version |
2013 |
6880 |
Petrography of Temper Sands in 112 Reconstructed Lapita Pottery Vessels from Teouma (Efate): Archaeological Implications and Relations to Other Vanuatu Tempers
Archéologie, Sciences Sociales, Sciences humaines |
English (en-GB) |
Published version |
2013 |
6881 |
Fijian Polygenesis and the Melanesian/Polynesian Divide
Archéologie, Sciences Sociales, Sciences humaines |
English (en-GB) |
Published version |
2013 |
6882 |
Aid Effectiveness in Small Island Developing States: The Case of Vanuatu
Sciences Sociales |
English (en-GB) |
Published version |
2024 |
6883 |
Yumi stanap strong : La localisation de l’aide en contexte de COVID-19 au Vanuatu
Sciences Sociales, Sciences humaines |
English (en-GB) |
Published version |
2022 |
6884 |
On Applied Archaeology, Indigenous Knowledge, and the Usable Past
Archéologie, Anthropologie, Sciences Sociales, Sciences humaines |
English (en-GB) |
Published version |
2013 |
6885 |
Oceania: Lapita migration
Archéologie, Sciences Sociales, Sciences humaines |
English (en-GB) |
Published version |
2013 |
6886 |
Ritually breaking Lapita pots: Or, can we get into the minds of Oceanic first settlers? A discussion
Archéologie, Sciences Sociales, Sciences humaines |
English (en-GB) |
Published version |
2013 |
6887 |
Irrigated Taro in the Indo-Pacific: Multiple Perspectives
Archéologie, Sciences Sociales, Sciences humaines |
English (en-GB) |
Published version |
2012 |
6888 |
From Mendana to Riesenfeld: early accounts of and speculation on taro irrigation in the Asia-Pacific area
Archéologie, Sciences Sociales, Sciences humaines |
English (en-GB) |
Published version |
2012 |
6889 |
You will Never Know the Why of a Region's History if you haven't Pinned Down the When: Getting the Dates Right in eastern Polynesia
Archéologie, Histoire, Sciences Sociales, Sciences humaines |
English (en-GB) |
Published version |
2014 |
6890 |
Degei's Descendants : Spirits, Place and People in Pre-Cession Fiji
Archéologie, Anthropologie, Histoire, Sciences Sociales, Sciences humaines |
English (en-GB) |
Published version |
2014 |
6891 |
The Archaeology of Vanuatu: 3,000 Years of History across Islands of Ash and Coral
Archéologie, Sciences Sociales, Sciences humaines |
English (en-GB) |
Published version |
2014 |
6892 |
Aubrey Parke: An Enthusiastic Amateur in Fiji?
Archéologie, Histoire, Sciences Sociales, Sciences humaines |
English (en-GB) |
Published version |
2014 |